You will need the IP address of your iPhone or other iDevice to be able to connect to it. I suggest you set a password for the connection (Do this from the Settings app) otherwise you will have to click Accept on your iDevice every time you connect.īring up the SBSettings overlay to see your IP address.(see Troubleshooting below for more details). However, it is advised that you fully restart your iDevice instead. Once you have installed Veency you will find that you can’t connect until you have resprung.You can also install Veency SBSettings Toggle if you want to be able to toggle Veency on and off from the SBSettings overlay. This will also install the Mouse package if you do not already have it installed. Lauch Cydia, go to the search tab and search for Veency. Install the latest version of Veency.The easiest way to do this is via the Cydia app.I am not aware of an app that does this on the iTunes app store. You need to use Veency on your jail-broken iDevice as a VNC server to allow all of this to work. Install Veency and optionally SBSettings Toggle for a convenient way to turn VNC on or off.